IUBTG -> About -> Guideline Thesis


Scientiarum – Excellentiam – Nobel

Autorisation d’Ouverture : N°11/04619/N/MINESUP/DDES/ESUP/SAC/Am du 22/09/2011

Campus de Yaoundé (Quartier de Ndjoungolo-Rue Ceper et de Mvog-Mbi) –BP. :11618 Yaoundé – Cameroun / Email : Web :

Tel : (+237)692200676



This is a general guideline diagram especially for major works like  thesis’s, you can also follow this diagram. It is possible not to have parts, the part can be equal to the chapter, the chapter equal to the paragraph or section.
We can also use a simplified diagram but while remembering that by doing the final writing, you will follow this detailed diagram.
This diagram is based on the notes of the research methodology that you have. It is difficult for those who do not have one to follow it. Then read each component and look for its detail in these notes.
Each time, the announcement of a party is on a whole page, in the middle and nothing follows; while the beginning of a chapter is done on a whole page and at the top, then follow the sections or paragraphs.
 Memory plan to be returned to our services validated by the thesis’s director and the educational adviser at the latest one month before the deadline for submitting a thesis’s indicated below.
 Memory to be transmitted to our services at the latest one month before the defense:
- 4 heat-sealed copies of the final memorandum,

- 1 memory in PDF format (according to indications given),
- the thesis authorization completed and signed by your thesis director.
1) The purpose of the dissertation is to relate a practical experience, its analysis and to lead a discussion.
2) The thesis director has the task of helping you both in theoretical and methodological reflection and in the conduct of the "discussion" (3rd part, bibliography).
Ensure that it is a doctor, a paramedical professional (Bac + 5) or an art therapist. Please note, only art therapists duly graduated in Art Therapy from medical faculties or holding the RNCP AFRATAPEM title will be validated.
3) The thesis is a scientific document. As such, it must meet criteria of therapeutic rigor (e.g. assessment), scientific writing (e.g. discussion) and presentation.
The subject of the thesis, as well as the thesis director must obtain the approval of the educational committee following a request that you have made by mail.
4) The thesis director must not be the director of your internship. He must not be a member of the student's family (except in exceptional cases).

1) Text: 55 pages approximately (excluding acknowledgments, plan, glossary, bibliography and appendices).
Acknowledgments, plan, glossary, bibliography and appendices: 10 pages maximum. Total: approximately 65 pages.
2) The cover must mention
- The title (possibly sub-title), without any abbreviation and in which the two practices must appear
main artistic works, as well as the public concerned.
Example title: An art therapy experience mainly painting and collage with trauma victims
- Dissertation carried out to obtain the title of art therapist listed by the State at level II
- Name and surname of the intern
- Year of writing
- Last name, first name, as well as the title (s) of the thesis director
- the name of the host organization and the postal code.
Followed by a blank page.
3) The back cover shows a summary in French and in English, of about 15 lines, compulsory specifying
the title of the thesis, the name of the author, the year of writing, a few key words.
4) For the body of the text of the memoir, the font used will be of type times and size 12, line 1;

pages should be formatted (margins of about 2 cm, binding at 3 cm).
5) The titles, chapters, paragraphs must be distinguished in the characters and in unhooking according to their importance.
6) The pages are numbered thanks on the last page.

The illustrations and graphics are placed in the body of the thesis with regard to the corresponding text (a list of references appears before the bibliography).
7) The appendices are separate from the text and appear at the end of the book.
8) No illustration or award should appear on the cover.
9) The diagrams or illustrations must be commented.
10) Any quotation outside the text must be clearly explicit and related to the text.
11) The plan should not include questions.
12) The thesis must not be printed on both sides

- Make sure that the titles, chapters and paragraphs are clear, logical and specify the idea that will be developed in the part (make sentences).
- A glossary must appear at the beginning of the work in which the technical terms, the abbreviations are found (these must be followed in the text with an asterisk

to refer to the glossary) and the definitions all referenced word by word
- Only your comments, their illustrations as well as the evaluations, assessments, works and graphics relating to the case, must appear in the body of your work.
- The citations references (in the body of the text) at the bottom of the page must mention the author, the title of the work, the page. We must find the works in bibliography.
- The illustrations (photos, drawings, graphics, etc.) must be commented on.
The patients present in the photos must not be recognizable

(except with the written agreement of the interested parties). Reproductions of works produced by patients are possible subject to obtaining their prior written agreement.

- Any reproduction of a work (drawing, painting, photo ...) by a known and non-confidential artist must mention the name of the author.
- Book knowledge is summarized and refers to the bibliography and the plan (mainly for the 1st part).

- The cover page is extended to the 1st page of the book, preceded by a blank page.
- Followed by thanks (if necessary),
- The paginated outline, the glossary, the introduction,
- 3 developed parts (with separate parts),
- The conclusion - the list of graphics, illustrations paginated
- Bibliographic references, - annexes (if necessary)
- Summary (back cover)
Your text should be approximately 55 pages (excluding acknowledgments, plan, glossary, bibliography and appendices).
Acknowledgments, plan, glossary, bibliography and appendices: 10 pages maximum.
Total: approximately 65 pages.


Chapter 1. General Introduction

1.1. Introduction
 Title of the study you are undertaking and justification for this title
 Study context
 Discount result
1.2. problematic
 Situation or state of affairs or things
 Why this situation is problematic
 Why it is important to do a research if this research is not done and the solution is not found, the situation will persist and worsen (managerial dilemma)
 What should be researched and help find a solution? (managerial question).

1.3. Research objectives
1.3.1 General objective
 It is the answer to the managerial question or the answer to what must be sought and help to find the solution.
1.3.2 Specific objectives
 These are solutions or answers to research questions. Each research question has an answer and this answer or solution is equivalent to a specific objective. In principle, the number of specific objectives is equal to the number of research questions.

1.4. Research plan (or designation)
1.4.1 Research questions
 These are provisional answers to the managerial question but in an interrogative form by what one has to make an investigation of it in the research population to perceive their acceptability, to confirm, invalidate or reject them. The number of research questions depends on how, once their solutions have been gathered, the managerial question is answered.

1.4.2 Research hypotheses
 These are provisional answers to the managerial question but in the affirmative. They repeat research questions confirming that they are adequate solutions. In general, they are equal to the number of research questions.

1.4.3 Research methodology
 You specify (nature) if your study is quantitative or qualitative or both (multi-methods or mixed methods), intention of the study: exploratory? descriptive? Explanatory ?; strategy: case study? Experimentation ? Investigation? Interview?…),….
 You make a methodology summary (of what is detailed in the chapter or part of methodology).

1.4.4 Data collection plan
 Specify whether the data to be collected is secondary data using archival sources (documents, videos, DVD, photos, etc.), it is primary data using observation (structured? Semi-structured? Unstructured?), Interviews ( structured? Semi-structured? Unstructured?); using questionnaire (it is absolutely structured and sufficiently detailed and comprehensible for any participant); and for each technique, specify the tactics for example for the interview if the data are collected in a group or focus - groups (interest or expert group) or from individual to individual, ...

1.4.5 Data analysis plan
 Quantitative procedures? (graphs, polygons, bars, chart, parametric and non-parametric tests, laboratory tests,….)
 Qualitative procedures (e.g. grouping, summary and structuring of meaning; diagrammatic visualization, discourse analysis, content analysis? ...)
 Use of software? which? E.g .: SPSS, GenStat,…

1.4.6 Expected results
1.5. Importance of the study
1.6.Frame and limitation of the study (domain, what the study will include and what it will not include, period covered for the data, geographic area, etc.),
1.7 Constraints and difficulties
1.8 Ethical considerations
1.8. Structure of the study (content of each chapter)


Chapter II. Description of the study environment (the readers of your work are not your contemporaries and are distributed throughout the world. They need to know exactly where the study is going)
2.1 General geographic information or location
 Specify the continent
 Specify the country and its main characteristics
 Specify the region or province its main characteristics
 Specify the district / municipality / area and its main characteristics
 Specify the sector and its main characteristics
 Specify the organization or place of your study and its main characteristics
 View it all on appropriate and separate maps
2.2 Description of the organization or place of study.
 its main characteristics,
 detail its specific characteristics in relation to the study
 Position your study in relation to these specific characteristics
 Then show the importance of your study in this organization / in this environment
Part II: Literature review
NB: you can develop several chapters if you consider this necessary, especially if your subject crosses over several disciplines corresponding to your research questions. Indeed, the literary review and the exploitation of existing data in an organization (data-mining) will focus on the dilemma and the managerial question, on research questions, and will allow to generate questions of investigation and mesurement. An appropriate and in-depth literature review makes it possible to refine your data collection tool / instrument: the research questions will be split into investigative questions, these will be measured according to the information found in the literature ( and in the exploitation of data0). Never invent anything. And this hierarchy of questions is found in the data collection instrument.
Chapter 3: Theoretical literature
3.1 Definition of key concepts
3.2 Literature applied to the managerial dilemma and question, and to each research question (It is important to note that you can develop several sections or paragraphs or even chapters if you deem it relevant).
Chapter 4: Empirical Literature
This chapter reviews all the work (research, theses, journals, articles, etc.) done in relation to your research. This review is done intelligently and critically, while showing the objectives of their authors, the methodology used and the main results. You must be able to show your appreciation, show or find the gaps to answer your subject, then motivate why you are undertaking your specific research. There is no need to repeat unnecessarily the work done by others (originality)

PART 3. Research methods
Chapter 5: Research plan (or designation)

6. 1 Review of the hierarchy of research questions (Recall the dilemma, the managerial question, the research questions as well as the objectives and hypotheses).
6.2 Research philosophies (pragmatism ?, ontology, epistemology, axiology)
6. 3 Intent of the research
6.4 Research strategies
6.5 Research approaches
6.6 Research methods
6.7 Nature of the study over time or time horizons (time period of data to be collected, nature of the study applied to this time period: transverse or longitudinal?)
6.8 Sampling
 Study population and distribution of study character
 Sampling framework (exhaustive list or how to find all elements of the population)
 Nature of sampling (probabilistic or non-probabilistic)
 Sample size
 Sampling technique (determine how to choose this sample)
Chapter 6: Data collection plan (or designation)
 7. 1 Methods and techniques of data collection
7.2 Establishment of / data collection tools and data measurement
 What tool / instrument to use / use in data collection? How was it designed ?: its structure is based on research questions, and each research question is broken down into investigation questions, each investigation question is broken down into measurement question or practical measurement ie practical question a which each participant is able to give an unambiguous answer.

 nature of data to be collected by each measurement question: nominal? (answer in the form of words but which can be coded in numbers to allow entry into data processing software) Ordinal? (when they involve comparisons like greater or less than, less or more than,…) Interval? (when between the data, there is a regular interval like between calendar days, between hours) Ratio? (when it comes to ordinary figures, quotients, ratios). This means that you should have a detailed instrument to use to know each item of data for each measurement question and thus determine its nature, especially since this instrument will be appended to your report).
7.3 Access to data
 This section is very important in your research proposal as in your report (dissertation) because it allows to judge the ease of obtaining data as well as their credibility. You may have a very good proposal but be rejected because access to the data is not guaranteed. Demonstrate your strategy for accessing data.
Part IV: Focus and contribution
Chapter 8: Discussion and Interpretation of Results

9.1 Presentation and analysis of data (by research question or by hypothesis)
9.2 Discussion of the results (by research question or by hypothesis)
9.3 Credibility of results (validity, reliability, generalizability)
9.4 Theory or Constructed or model generated by the study:
 What new idea generated by the study?
 Can it be considered a theory? A construct? Or a model?
 What is its applicability or usefulness in various circumstances or in particular circumstances?
Chapter 9: Conclusion and Recommendation
9.1 Introduction
 State the work that was undertaken
 State your objectives
 State that they have been reached and how they are reached in the following sections
9.2 Summary of main results (by research question or hypothesis)
9.3 Contribution
 What new idea generated by the study? (originality)
 Can it be considered a theory? A construct? Or a model?
 What is its applicability or usefulness in various circumstances or in particular circumstances?
 How to assess that it is important?
9.4 New elements emerging, suggestions for future research and Recommendations.

 References or Bibliography (each document found in the bibliography must be referenced in the text of the report, just as each document referenced in the text must be found in the bibliography)

(Must absolutely include, first and foremost, the instrument that you have used for the collection of data in the language of writing and in the language of use in the field).